Pragmatic solutions precisely tailored to the situation, people and goals.
Our experience shows that when companies are orchestrated in the right area (leadership, talent and organisation), at the right level (company, team, individual), and with the right focus, then business goals are achieved more efficiently and the work is more satisfying and fun.
In companies, as in music, when the melody or the rhythm changes, when even a single instrument is played differently than before, when you recreate the harmony between different areas and processes, you will soon hear the difference.
And so the question is: where do you begin with the orchestration to maximise the overall result?
We at esthra offer the HR Orchestration Matrix to help you find this focus.

Goal-oriented application of consulting and coaching, structure and creativity, facts and intuition
Once the focus has been defined, then we at esthra start with the tuning.
“Tuning” here means that we will tailor our solution to the situation and remain flexible throughout.
The starting point of HR Orchestration is what we have found and observed in your company. We start our work as the producer when we perform the first tuning of the solution that is being considered.
Here are a few examples:

Music Analogy
From strictly following the tried and tested written score to working together to create a new melody
esthra’s Tuning
Solution examples
From specific suggestions for improvement to individual or team coaching, workshops
Music Analogy
From classical forms of orchestras to new formations, new musicians and unusual instruments to try out
esthra’s Tuning
Solution examples
From evaluation and optimisation based on best practices in the industry to expanding perspectives and implementing change processes
Music Analogy
From developing new songs based on today’s sales figures to composing the music of the future today
esthra’s Tuning
Solution examples
From optimisation based on the current market position to a strategic workshop with developing a vision for the future
Professionalism and fun: playing music together in the best possible way, and putting the fun back into the process.
There are many ways to achieve a better and highly individual “company sound”.
We believe that it is not enough to focus on expertise in playing. The skills of your “musicians”/staff, the quality of the instruments and the efficiency of the orchestra are also important – and still, without lightness, joy and passion only “correct” sounds are achieved. What you cannot do like this is playing impressive music.
This approach makes it very clear how esthra provides a different kind of consultation.
We encourage managers during the HR Orchestration to not just draw up to-do lists, but also to-be lists – and we offer coaching on how to implement these if required.
Experience a new way of working together with esthra!